Mowing lawn seems like a simple enough task. But there are some easy tips and tricks you can use to ensure your lawn looks great this season and next. Nick Becker, John Deere Sales Specialist, gives his six quick tips to a great lawn:

  1. Don't cut your grass too short! Set your deck at the highest preferred setting for your grass type (typical setting for northern grasses is 2-3). You should aim to only cut the top 1/3 of the grass blade. Yes, this will mean more frequent mowings, but a longer grass blade allows the plant to establish a better and healthier root base which means a healthier and greener lawn. Cutting the grass blades too short forces the plant to focus on regrowing the blade rather than establishing a solid root base. Longer grass also helps prevent weed growth.
  2. Mow in the later afternoon/early evening. Mowing in the mid-day when temperatures are at their peak puts stress on your lawn. Aim to mow in the late afternoon/early evening as it will leave enough time for your lawn to recover before peak temperatures the next day. It's also a more comfortable scenario for the mower. :) Avoid mowing wet grass as well. Not only will you run the risk of getting your mower stuck and leaving ruts, but damp grass leads to an uneven cut and can clog up your mower shoot and blades. 
  3. Vary your mowing patterns. Don't cut your grass in the same direction ever time. Grass will start to bend the way you cut it and you could start to leave ruts. Mixing it up with "train" the grass to grow straight. 
  4. Sharpen those blades. Make sure to sharpen your mower's blades often. Dull blades tear at the grass and stresses it, leaving it open to disease. Sharpening blades during your annual mower tune-up should be just fine for most casual, residential use. For mowers with heavier use, you may need them sharpened a couple times a year. 
  5. Mulching vs. Bagging. Leave those grass clippings, folks. Mulching grass is a great way to add nitrogen and nutrients back into the soil. Special mulching blade kits that chop the grass clippings into smaller pieces are now available and help the grass decompose faster. If you like the cleaner look of bagging your clippings, just make sure to rotate in mowings here and there without bagging all your mowing debris to help replenish the soil. 
  6. Feed it. Ideal schedule for fertilizing is 4 times a year -- early spring, late spring, early fall and late fall. These are when your lawn grow the most and need the extra boost to stay green and healthy in the high temps of summer and during it's dormancy in winter. 
  7. Regular mower maintenance makes a happy lawn. Make sure to schedule a regular mower tune-up to ensure your mower is working at it's best. A well-maintained deck ensures an even, level cut. And, don't forget to winterize your machine at the end of the season. Need a tune-up or maintenance appointment? We've got you covered. Schedule one here.


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